Pete Zahut, great minds think alike. Admitadly your post was a slightly more direct way of making my point with Perry than yours . However I think the interesting observation was:-
A) Most sensible posters on this forum ignored my O.P.
B) Perry got 3 " green" likes for his comment and not one " red" dis-like.
So my point is I love the intelligent points you make "Pete Zahut" on this forum, but this time your point of view seemed very aggressive " people being slaughtered and all that" Oh sorry that was what Perry thinks.
Correction: Learning lesson. Perry only said he was grateful for learning about " a paradise earth" he never said any of the stuff about believing in Jehovers Witness and Armaggedon crap.
Love your posts " PETE ZAHUT" and as its Eurovision Song Contest tonight, it's a family " PiIZZA" watching the crap. ( I mean musical talent) any body else watching this tonight. It's better than preparing for a Watchtoer study. ( And that's saying a lot)
The Rebel.